Voice Artist는 목소리를 능숙하게 연기하는 사람, 즉 성우를 의미해요.
Voice Rookie는 잠재력이 있는 신인 성우를 의미해요.
닉네임 | 동화명 | 닉네임 | 동화명 |
하모하모 | Puss in Boots |
naraya222 | Rapunzel |
초초대왕 | The Story of Hong Gildong |
리틀리하 | Rocket Girl |
은재재 | Rapunzel |
달콤하임 | Wizard and Cat |
시윤은유 | Cora's Compass |
Leeu | Journey to the West |
안녕AMIN | Bat and Friends |
소민하트 | Rocket Girl |
Luna0526 | Wacky Ricky |
hjoh0214 | Bat and Friends |
바이올렛유하 | The World of Peter Rabbit and Friends |
멋진정다예 | Rocket Girl |
메터12 | Ally on Earth |
9성우 | South Street School |
오월의꿈 | A Little Princess |
해나17 | Ally on Earth |
princesspopo | South Street School |
햇님상 | The Blobs |
우리미소 | The Velveteen Rabbit |
MaxPowerJB | Aesop's Fables |
마음이레이든맘 | Puss in Boots |
미호08 | The Story of Hong Gildong |
초코하임이 | The Jungle Book |
jeanne09 | Sam and Lucky |
요괴소환 | Wizard and Cat |
서율엘라 | Cinderella |
icesugar | Bird and Kip |
세경재환 | Journey to the West |
꾸러기영어 | Bat and Friends |
Melody823 | Heidi |
자주걸 | Science & Nature 2 |
로봇진우 | The Blobs |
유잉 | Fun at Kids Central |
핑크시대 | The Story of Hong Gildong |
베이비참새 | Fairy Tale Barn |
꿈이준서 | The Lemonade Detectives |
라힁 | Fun at Kids Central |
마이프렌즈 | The Carter Family |
올리비아황 | Ally on Earth |
Siwan0407 | Rocket Girl |
리디아라 | The Carter Family |
이뿌지슬기2014 | Cinderella |
원유주1004 | A Little Princess |
Lucy1212 | The World of Peter Rabbit and Friends |
anny121121 | The Railway Children |
Clia | Fun at Kids Central |
강소율2015 | Bird and Kip |
윤sun | The Story of Hong Gildong |
우리린뚱이 | Alice's Adventures in Wonderland |
Lucy15 | The Carter Family |
KimStar16 | Journey to the West |
어벤져스예성 | The Velveteen Rabbit |
강아지도반할공주 | Sam and Lucky |
호호황홓스슷승현 | Magic Marker |
Daniel2015 | Journey to the West |
태린여왕 | Rapunzel |
Sally1411 | Rocket Girl |
고양이알레르기 | South Street School |
1997 | My First Readers 1 |
아인정인유신 | Space Patrol |
안뇽안뇽 | Letter Teams |
sooangela | Bird and Kip |
INFJ | Bat and Friends |
소라봉 | Magic Marker |
푸린이천사 | Bat and Friends |
달콤달콤리 | Journey to the West |
찐탱 | Journey to the West |
Fragrance | Little Women |
CuteSuji | Bird and Kip |
JIN성 | Puss in Boots |
violet0319 | Cinderella |
ssoohee | The Lemonade Detectives |
cutekate17 | Little Women |
수빈ㅇㅣ | Rapunzel |
마이뽀 | Rapunzel |
천서준 | Sam and Lucky |
귀염뽀짝64 | Wacky Ricky |
파랑쥐돌이 | Treasure Island |
싱하싱하 | The Story of Hong Gildong |
Graceㅣmercy | The Swiss Family Robinson |
1000000000킹배지 | Cora's Compass |
루디아은혜 | Bat and Friends |
Sol방울 | Wacky Ricky |
레이디Jenna | Magic Marker |
irene0114 | Tire Town School |
minsol조 | Rapunzel |
loveyuna | Wizard and Cat |
Sally0404 | Journey to the West |
시하율 | South Street School |
on2on2 | Folktales & Fairy Tales 1 |
AuroraKang | Alice's Adventures in Wonderland |
Rosie15 | Rocket Girl |
나는공주야 | The World of Peter Rabbit and Friends |
Sophia815 | The Story of Hong Gildong |
귀여운삐약이 | The Story of Hong Gildong |
문서준 | Journey to the West |
박태인 | Dino Buddies |
뚜뚜현 | The Story of Hong Gildong |
Nicky1영어소녀15 | Tire Town School |
포차코하율이 | Rapunzel |
yoon0207 | Rapunzel |
지유2013 | Anne |
rose이 | Bird and Kip |
rinilove | Sam and Lucky |
건빵16 | The Story of Hong Gildong |
GlassYR14 | Rocket Girl's Journey to the West |
사해세아3513 | Rocket Girl |
스마일윤 | Wacky Ricky |
윤채미 | Little Women |
홍신 | Where Am I? |
밍키me | Anne |
백곰85 | Bird and Kip |
슈밍슈밍 | The Blobs |
NKLee | Bat and Friends |
이오2016 | Photo Travels |
대머리독수리 | The Blobs |
리디아1호 | Fun at Kids Central |
스마일가은 | Who Am I? |
JoyㅣDandelion | The Secret Garden |
양푸른 | Iggy the Incredible Inventor |
존2013 | Iggy the Incredible Inventor |
원유엘 | Cinderella |
미키미니 | Dino Buddies |
윤윱이 | Rapunzel |
옐로문 | The Blobs |
다니엘1111 | Wacky Ricky |
더블채 | Fun at Kids Central |
엘랴 | Fairy Tale Barn |
yocho | Wacky Ricky |
Nayon | Cinderella |
candy6660 | The Story of Hong Gildong |
돼지아가 | Alice's Adventures in Wonderland |
브롤스타즈초보 | Fun at Kids Central |
아이브러브 | The Velveteen Rabbit |
gayun0920 | Space Patrol |
작은딸 | The Blobs |
ShawnSung | Fun at Kids Central |
JulieHur | Dino Buddies |
허윤민Sally169 | Mrs. Kelly's Class |
Davegood | Bird and Kip |
포니하은 | The Adventures of Robin Hood |
해린스 | Rocket Girl |
하짱잉글리쉬짱 | Pollyanna |
고봉밥 | Rapunzel |
이똠 | Rapunzel |
아이셔레몬 | Bird and Kip |
소피아아현 | The Velveteen Rabbit |
김은뽕 | Rocket Girl |