Dear Eleanor | 리틀팍스
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  • [편지] Dear Eleanor
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    | 추천수: 1 | 등록일: 2024.4.17 오후 4:18


    Dear Eleanor,

    Hello Eleanor! Are you having good days?

    I'm also grateful to your fresh,pretty letter:D
    And it's okay about writing letter lately to me! 
    I'm the one who wrote letter very lately...TT

    I'm vitally,sincerely sorry,Eleanor.....

    I know the feeling after the qualification examination,'want a rest'...

    Since I've passed several qualification examination.

    (I'm sorry for being rude if you don't like this sentences,,,I'm very rude..)

    Anyway,I hope you'll success after that examination><

    Um...can I ask what was kind of that qualification examination you passed? (like Powerpoint,Exell.)

    Yes,Cherry blossoms are very pretty:)

    Wow,I'm exceptionally sweet?? Thank you so much for saying that(even though I'm not sure)💜💜

    Yeah!I'm so happy that I'm going to write replay novel with two kindest friends:You and April><

    Hmm...I voted for fantasy part(I clicked fantastic),but my mind has changed.

    Now,I think History part is much nicer than fantasy part.(Uh-oh...I already told April that I voted at fantasy..)

    What about you,what did you voted for?^^

    Whoa...if I need to read a English original books of 'The Lord Of The Rings',I won't able to understand and read!

    My skill won't able to translate that books' just one sentence,He-he🤭

    Yep,I interested in your nice novel!

    By the way I'm sure you'll write a fantastic novel even if it's not encouraging story!!

    Yeah I agree. It's rather hot at daylights and little chilly at dawns and nights.

    Ugh,ditto. I really know that's so hot and uncomfortable..;;;

    (I mean,the feeling when you get in the car which was parked right under the sun.)

    I like winter more than summer too! 

    At summer,it's so hot and I often annoyed by those horrible bugs😞

    But summer has good sides,of course! Actually I like summer clothes^^

    What's your favorite cloths kind to wear? For example,like blue Jeans or T-shirts.

    Oh,my favorite season-it changes often-but I like spring as my favorite season:)

    I'm 160-162,not very tall... Er..can I ask your height too...?

    No! Your letter was already jolly and cheerful=)

    Um,then see you later Eleanor! (I have to go now^^;)  Have a hospitable day!

                                                 Yours most truly like diamond,


이전글 Eleanor0421|2024-04-17
다음글 lilililililil|2024-04-16