Mysteries in Oaktown: Mystery of the Haunted House | 리틀팍스
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  • [창작동화] Mysteries in Oaktown: Mystery of the Haunted House
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    | 추천수: 3 | 등록일: 2018.2.24 오전 11:58
  • Atska, who is now very surprised because Keisha is faster then he thought.
    The man stop, breathly, look at kids.
    So did Atska, and Keisha.
    "Who are you?" asked man.
    "Well, that's what we want to know. Who are you?" asked Keisha.
    ""said man.
    "Anyway, don't you tired? You are gi.."
    "What? Girls have to tired? I am not tired!" said Keisha.
    Atska can see Keisha is little bit mad.
    "Please tell me, who are you?" Atska said.
    "Ha.. I am owner of here. It's my Ghost house. For fun," sighed the man.
    "I am Thron Carlson. Please call me as Mr. Carl."
    "OK... But why everyone didn't know this is not a house for fun?" asked Keisha.
    "Oh, I don't want to...Well, I don't know.." said owner, name Mr. Carl.
    "What..!' thought Keisha. She didn't like Mr. Carl.
    ".........." Atska didn't have words to say.
    "Well..... actually, I want a kids for help me," Mr. Carl said.
    "I won't help you!" said Keisha.
    "Who said I want you as helper?" shouted Mr. Carl.
    "He seem like kidnapper.."whispered Keisha.
    "Oh, really? I think he is just a owner.." answered Atska.
    "Well..I don't like him very much.." thought Keisha.

    Next, Cherry
    Sorry that it's too short! I think we can write "Mystery of the Spring Oak Park". After Mystery of the Haunted House.
    If you guys Shuriken and Cherry agreee, I like to write this... Well, very good, everyone!!!

이전글 파란깃발ㅣ체리|2018-02-24
다음글 anniegirl|2018-02-24